
Natural Killer Cells: the James Bond of your immune system

Natural Killer Cells: the James Bond of your im...

Dennis de Beeld

Author: Liliana Sánchez Rocha  Read time: 6 minutes      Your body’s army is divided into two major forces that work hand in hand to keep you alive. The “frontline defenses”...

Natural Killer Cells: the James Bond of your im...

Dennis de Beeld

Author: Liliana Sánchez Rocha  Read time: 6 minutes      Your body’s army is divided into two major forces that work hand in hand to keep you alive. The “frontline defenses”...

Macrophages and their chamber of death

Macrophages and their chamber of death

Dennis de Beeld

Author: Liliana Sánchez Rocha  Read time: 6 minutes       It's been a week since you accidentally sliced your thumb while chopping vegetables for a delicious meal. Though your blood seemed...

Macrophages and their chamber of death

Dennis de Beeld

Author: Liliana Sánchez Rocha  Read time: 6 minutes       It's been a week since you accidentally sliced your thumb while chopping vegetables for a delicious meal. Though your blood seemed...

Dendritic Cells: Puppeteers of the Immune System

Dendritic Cells: Puppeteers of the Immune System

Timo Struik

Did you know that dendritic cells are the most potent antigen-presenting cells in your body? Or that they were first discovered in the skin, hence their name derived from the...

Dendritic Cells: Puppeteers of the Immune System

Timo Struik

Did you know that dendritic cells are the most potent antigen-presenting cells in your body? Or that they were first discovered in the skin, hence their name derived from the...

Cytotoxic T Cell's: ImmunoWars' Silent Assassin

Cytotoxic T Cell's: ImmunoWars' Silent Assassin

Timo Struik

Did you know that cytotoxic T cells are the body's primary defense against cancer cells? Or that they play a crucial role in controlling viral infections? Strap in, and let's...

Cytotoxic T Cell's: ImmunoWars' Silent Assassin

Timo Struik

Did you know that cytotoxic T cells are the body's primary defense against cancer cells? Or that they play a crucial role in controlling viral infections? Strap in, and let's...

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